Scholarship Amount

Each student will be awarded an annual scholarship of one hundred thousand francs CFA (100,000 FCFA), which equivalence is about two hundred dollars américain (US$200.00)

A. Eligibility Requirements

1. To avoid nepotism and corruption, family members and relatives of OADAF’s members are not eligible to apply for this scholarship fund.
2. Needy and deserving Togolese students in public primary schools. Needy and deserving students mean students whose parents are:
a) poor or have no employment,
b) disable with no viable income,
c) incarcerated with no income or saving, or
d) dead with no inheritance.

B. Selection Criteria

1.At the request of the nonprofit and nongovernment organization OADAF, its members via their key local contacts in the Republic of Togo will purposefully propose a group of needy and underprivileged public primary school students. A serious justification shall be provided for the selection of the candidates who will compete for the mini Bourse OADAF.
2. The organization seeks to award at least five (5) mini “Bourse OADAF” or Scholarship funds to deserving, needy and underprivileged public primary studrnrs each year.
3. Each candidattle will go through a rigorous testing and a series of interviews to ensure that the right students are awarded the scholarships.

C. Content of the Application or Instruments for Selecting Recipients

1. Each applicant shall fill an application profile and provide his or her parents/gardians’ financial situation
2. Each applicant shall write a short essay about himself or herself. In such an essay, the applicant shall clearly tell us why he or she needs.
2. The applicant shall submit a budget plan detailing how he or she is planning to spend the scholarship throughout the year.

D. Scholarship Fund Award Procedure

1. The Chairman and the Vice Chairman will send out all unidentified applications to the founding members.
2. All active members with the exception of the Chairman and Vice Chairman of OADAF will evaluate annonymous the applicants’ financial status, short essays, and budget plans, and award grade from the scale of 1 to 5 for each of the three elements: a) financial situation, b) essay, and c) budget plan.
3. The Chairman and Vice Chairman will release the actual name of each applicant with their corresponding matriculation or registration number at the end of the evaluation.
4. The Secretariat will address an acceptance or offer letter to the recipient. All correspondence shall be signed by the Chairman or a presiding office.

E. Conditions of Continuity and Discontinuity of Funding

1. Recipients shall submit their progress report cards and yearly final examination results
2. Recipients shall maintain an excellent academic performance or at least have a good academic standing as defined by the school system in Togo. Otherwise, they will lose their funding
3. As soon as they are promoted for high school education, the recipients shall start right away some apprenticeship during their summer breaks and weekends.
4. Recipients will lose their scholarships if later OADAF find out that they or their parents/guardians misled the organization during the selection process.
5. If it was a school which misled OADAF, that school will no longer be considered for any future OADAF’s funding.

Any questions regarding this mini project should be addressed to or